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permissionless.js Guide

permissionless.js is a TypeScript library built on top of viem for building with ERC-4337 smart accounts. permissionless.js supports Safe, Kernel, Biconomy, SimpleAccount, TrustWallet and LightAccount and more.

You can see the full implementation used in this guide here.


Pimlico API Key: Required for interacting with the Pimlico bundler. Get your API key here.

RPC API Key: Get your API key at Alchemy here. Make sure to enable Base Sepolia in your Alchemy dashboard.

Setting Up the Environment

First, install the necessary packages by running:

npm install permissionless viem wagmi axios circomlibjs

Import the required modules in your script:

import { createSmartAccountClient } from "permissionless";
import { entryPoint07Address } from "viem/account-abstraction";
import { toSafeSmartAccount } from "permissionless/accounts";
import { erc7579Actions } from "permissionless/actions/erc7579";
import {
} from "viem";
import { baseSepolia } from "viem/chains";
import { readContract } from "wagmi/actions";
import axios from "axios";
import { buildPoseidon } from "circomlibjs";

Configuring the Clients

Set up your API keys and URLs:

const owner = "YOUR_OWNER_ADDRESS";
const apiKey = "YOUR_PIMLICO_API_KEY";
const rpcApiKey = "YOUR_ALCHEMY_RPC_API_KEY";
const bundlerUrl = `${apiKey}`;
const rpcUrl = `${rpcApiKey}`;

Create the public client and the Pimlico client:

const publicClient = createPublicClient({
transport: http(rpcUrl),

const pimlicoClient = createSmartAccountClient({
transport: http(bundlerUrl),
entryPoint: {
address: entryPoint07Address,
version: "0.7",

Setting Up the Safe Account

Initialize your Safe account with the necessary parameters:

const safeAccount = await toSafeSmartAccount({
client: publicClient,
owners: [owner],
version: "1.4.1",
entryPoint: {
address: entryPoint07Address,
version: "0.7",
safe4337ModuleAddress: "0x7579EE8307284F293B1927136486880611F20002",
erc7579LaunchpadAddress: "0x7579011aB74c46090561ea277Ba79D510c6C00ff",
attesters: ["0x000000333034E9f539ce08819E12c1b8Cb29084d"], // Rhinestone's attester address
attestersThreshold: 1,

const safeWalletAddress = "YOUR_SAFE_WALLET_ADDRESS";

Create the smart account client and extend it with ERC-7579 actions:

const smartAccountClient = createSmartAccountClient({
account: safeAccount,
chain: baseSepolia,
bundlerTransport: http(bundlerUrl),
paymaster: pimlicoClient,
userOperation: {
estimateFeesPerGas: async () => {
return (await pimlicoClient.getUserOperationGasPrice()).fast;

Installing the Module and Configuring Recovery

Set up the Universal Email Recovery Module:

const universalEmailRecoveryModuleAddress = "0x636632FA22052d2a4Fb6e3Bab84551B620b9C1F9";
const guardianEmail = "";

Generate a random account code using Poseidon:

const poseidon = await buildPoseidon();
const accountCodeBytes: Uint8Array = poseidon.F.random();
const accountCode = bytesToHex(accountCodeBytes.reverse());

Fetch the guardian salt by sending a POST request:

const { guardianSalt } = await`${relayerApiUrl}/getAccountSalt`, {
account_code: accountCode.slice(2),
email_addr: guardianEmail,

Compute the guardian address:

const guardianAddr = await readContract({
abi: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAbi,
address: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAddress,
functionName: "computeEmailAuthAddress",
args: [safeWalletAddress, guardianSalt],

Prepare the module data for installation:

const account = safeWalletAddress;
const isInstalledContext = toHex(0);
const functionSelector = toFunctionSelector(
const guardians = [guardianAddr];
const guardianWeights = [1n];
const threshold = 1n;
const delay = 6n * 60n * 60n; // 6 hours
const expiry = 2n * 7n * 24n * 60n * 60n; // 2 weeks in seconds

const moduleData = encodeAbiParameters(
"address, bytes, bytes4, address[], uint256[], uint256, uint256, uint256"

Install the module:

const userOpHash = await smartAccountClient.installModule({
type: "executor",
address: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAddress,
context: moduleData,

const receipt = await pimlicoClient.waitForUserOperationReceipt({
hash: userOpHash,

Handling Acceptance

Fetch the acceptance command template:

const subject = await readContract({
abi: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAbi,
address: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAddress,
functionName: "acceptanceCommandTemplates",
args: [],

const templateIdx = 0;
const handleAcceptanceCommand = subject[0]
.join(" ")
.replace("{ethAddr}", safeWalletAddress);

Send the acceptance request:

const { data: handleAcceptanceData } = await
controller_eth_addr: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAddress,
guardian_email_addr: guardianEmail,
account_code: accountCode,
template_idx: templateIdx,
command: handleAcceptanceCommand,

const { request_id: requestId } = handleAcceptanceData;

Handling Recovery

Fetch the recovery command template:

const processRecoveryCommand = await readContract({
abi: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAbi,
address: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAddress,
functionName: "recoveryCommandTemplates",
args: [],

Send the recovery request:

See the following example for how to construct the recovery command.

const { data: processRecoveryData } = await
controller_eth_addr: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAddress,
guardian_email_addr: guardianEmail,
template_idx: templateIdx,
command: processRecoveryCommand,

const { request_id: processRecoveryDataRequestId } = processRecoveryData;

Completing the Recovery

See the following example for how to retrieve the previousOwnerInLinkedList, oldOwner and newOwner.

Set up the parameters for owner swapping:

const previousOwnerInLinkedList = "PREVIOUS_OWNER_IN_LINKED_LIST";
const oldOwner = "OLD_OWNER_ADDRESS";
const newOwner = "NEW_OWNER_ADDRESS";

const recoveryCallData = encodeFunctionData({
abi: safeAbi,
functionName: "swapOwner",
args: [previousOwnerInLinkedList, oldOwner, newOwner],

const recoveryData = encodeAbiParameters(
parseAbiParameters("address, bytes"),
[safeWalletAddress, recoveryCallData]

Complete the recovery process:

const { data } = await`${relayerApiUrl}/completeRequest`, {
controller_eth_addr: universalEmailRecoveryModuleAddress,
account_eth_addr: safeWalletAddress,
complete_calldata: recoveryData,