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This system enables JWT-based actions on the blockchain using Google Sign-In, zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs), and smart contracts to ensure privacy and security. Here's a detailed breakdown of the architecture.

Core Components

Components Breakdown

  1. Frontend Application: React-based interface where users sign in with Google and initiate actions. Built with Next.js and Chakra UI.
  2. JWT Prover Service: External service that generates zero-knowledge proofs from JWT tokens.
  3. Circuit System: Circom circuits that define the verification logic for JWT proofs.
  4. Smart Contracts: Solidity contracts that verify proofs and execute commands on-chain.

Key Contracts

  1. JwtVerifier.sol: Main contract for verifying JWT proofs and executing commands
  2. JwtRegistry.sol: Stores and manages JWT-related data like DKIM public keys
  3. JwtGroth16Verifier.sol: Handles the low-level ZK proof verification

How the System Works

Workflow Diagram