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In this section, we will show you how to create a simple project using the Email Transaction Builder and the EmitEmailCommand.sol contract. You will learn how to set up the project, deploy the contracts, calling the Generic Relayer API and broadcasting the transaction to the network to execute commands via email.

Create a Project

We have provided a GitHub template that includes all necessary components, including the EmitEmailCommand.sol contract, deployment scripts and a .env.example file. This template allows you to get started using the Generic Relayer quickly without deploying contracts yourself.

You can either fork the template repository or clone it:

git clone
cd email-tx-builder-template

Project Overview

Your new project will include the following structure:

├── contracts
└── ts
  • contracts: Contains a foundry project for the EmitEmailCommand.sol contract, including a deployment script.
  • ts: Contains a TypeScript CLI to interact with the Generic Relayer API.

The EmitEmailCommand contract implements five command templates, each corresponding to a different type matcher. These templates are used to emit events based on commands received via email. Here's a breakdown of how it works:

The contract defines five command templates, each associated with a specific type matcher:

  1. String Matcher: Emits a StringCommand event.
  2. Uint Matcher: Emits a UintCommand event.
  3. Int Matcher: Emits an IntCommand event.
  4. Decimals Matcher: Emits a DecimalsCommand event.
  5. EthAddr Matcher: Emits an EthAddrCommand event.

Each template is represented as an array of strings, specifying the command format. You can learn more about the command format in the Command Templates section.

Build and Deploy

The Email Transaction Builder requires several smart contracts working together to enable secure email-based transactions:

  • EmitEmailCommand.sol: Our main example contract that processes email commands and emits events
  • EmailAuth.sol: Handles the core authentication flow, verifying that emails came from authorized users
  • UserOverrideableDKIMRegistry.sol: Maintains a registry of email domain public keys (DKIM keys) used to verify email authenticity.
  • Verifier.sol and Groth16Verifier.sol: Zero-knowledge proof verifiers that cryptographically prove an email is authentic without revealing its contents.

In this guide we will deploy the EmitEmailCommand.sol contract using the script provided in the template, but you can use a update this script to deploy your own contract.

Set Up Environment Variables

The first step is to navigate to the contracts folder and copy the example environment file:

cd contracts
cp .env.example .env
source .env

You have to edit the .env file and set the following variables:

  • PRIVATE_KEY: Your private key for deployment (include the 0x prefix).
  • CHAIN_ID: Chain ID of the target network.
  • RPC_URL: RPC URL for the target network.
  • SIGNER: Signer for the DKIM Oracle that can update the DKIM registry.
  • ETHERSCAN_API_KEY: (Optional) Etherscan API key for contract verification.

Deploy the Contracts

After you finish setting up the environment variables, you need to install the dependencies:


If you find any issues with the dependencies, you can clear your yarn cache and try again:

yarn cache clean

Then, you can deploy the contracts:

forge script script/DeployEmitEmailCommand.s.sol:Deploy --fork-url $RPC_URL --broadcast -vvvv --legacy

Calling the Generic Relayer API

To call the Generic Relayer we are going to use the TypeScript CLI, if you want to learn more about the Generic Relayer you can check the Generic Relayer section. After deploying the contracts, you can use the TypeScript CLI to test different command templates.

First, navigate to the ts directory and install dependencies:

cd ts
yarn install

Copy the .env.example file to .env and set the required variables:

cp .env.example .env
  • PRIVATE_KEY: Your private key for deployment (include the 0x prefix).
  • RELAYER_URL: URL of the Generic Relayer API (

Then you can use the following examples to test each command template. After you call the CLI, you will receive an email that you need to reply to confirm the command and after the relayer verifies the email, it will return the EmailAuthMsg used to broadcast the transaction.

Example Commands

Before running any of the example commands below, make sure to replace the following fields with your own values:

  • YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: An Ethereum address of the EmitEmailCommand command.
  • YOUR_ACCOUNT_CODE: Your account code (a random hex number in the BN254 elliptic curve used to derive your account salt)
  • YOUR_EMAIL: The email address you want to use to send commands
  • YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS: Ethereum address of the owner EOA/contract of your EmailAuth contract.

This EmitEmailCommand contract is deployed on Base Sepolia:

  • YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: 0xa49600b17f2978AEaE9477836Ade18CAfD95A3de
  • YOUR_ACCOUNT_CODE: 0x22a2d51a892f866cf3c6cc4e138ba87a8a5059a1d80dea5b8ee8232034a105b7
  • YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS: 0x6e8CdBE9CB9A90F75Fe4D5B2F08B9181b04f4Ea9

String Type Matcher

This command will emit a StringCommand event.

npx ts-node src/cli.ts \
--emit-email-command-addr YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
--account-code YOUR_ACCOUNT_CODE \
--email-addr YOUR_EMAIL \
--owner-addr YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS \
--template-idx 0 \
--command-value "hello" \
--subject "Emit a string" \
--body "Emit a string"

Uint Type Matcher

This command will emit a UintCommand event.

npx ts-node src/cli.ts \
--emit-email-command-addr YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
--account-code YOUR_ACCOUNT_CODE \
--email-addr YOUR_EMAIL \
--owner-addr YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS \
--template-idx 1 \
--command-value "123" \
--subject "Emit a uint" \
--body "Emit a uint"

Int Type Matcher

This command will emit an IntCommand event.

npx ts-node src/cli.ts \
--emit-email-command-addr YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
--account-code YOUR_ACCOUNT_CODE \
--email-addr YOUR_EMAIL \
--owner-addr YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS \
--template-idx 2 \
--command-value "-123" \
--subject "Emit an int" \
--body "Emit an int"

Decimals Type Matcher

This command will emit a DecimalsCommand event.

npx ts-node src/cli.ts \
--emit-email-command-addr YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
--account-code YOUR_ACCOUNT_CODE \
--email-addr YOUR_EMAIL \
--owner-addr YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS \
--template-idx 3 \
--command-value "1.23" \
--subject "Emit a decimal" \
--body "Emit a decimal"

EthAddr Type Matcher

This command will emit an EthAddrCommand event.

npx ts-node src/cli.ts \
--emit-email-command-addr YOUR_CONTRACT_ADDRESS \
--account-code YOUR_ACCOUNT_CODE \
--email-addr YOUR_EMAIL \
--owner-addr YOUR_WALLET_ADDRESS \
--template-idx 4 \
--command-value "0x6956856464EaA434f22B42642e9089fF8e5C9cE9" \
--subject "Emit an address" \
--body "Emit an address"